20 Сентября 2024
DAY 1: Young Talents and Skating Stars: Astana Launches the "Denis Ten Memorial Challenge 2024"

Young Talents and Skating Stars: Astana Launches the "Denis Ten Memorial Challenge 2024"
Today, the fifth-anniversary international figure skating tournament "Denis Ten Memorial Challenge 2024" kicked off in Astana. The first day of the competition began with performances by junior skaters in singles, followed by adult athletes. The jury includes judges from 28 participating countries.
The event features both junior and senior skaters competing in various categories. The tournament showcases rising talents alongside renowned figure skating masters. The atmosphere is filled with the spirit of athletic rivalry and respect for the memory of the legendary skater Denis Ten.
The tournament will continue until October 5th, offering spectators the chance to enjoy performances from ice dance pairs, juniors, and senior athletes in singles and ice dance competitions. Participants from Kazakhstan, the USA, Canada, China, Israel, Georgia, and other countries highlight the international scope of this event.
Tomorrow, October 4th, ice dance pairs, junior girls, and senior ladies will take the ice. On October 5th, the spotlight will shift to the men's singles and ice dance competitions.
The tournament is organized by the public foundation "Denis Ten Foundation", with the general sponsor being sport support fund "Sportqory". The event is also supported by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Akimat of Astana city.
Junior Competitors (3rd October):
Junior Ladies:
Анна Санникова (Kazakhstan)
Анна Ющенкова (Israel)
Анастасия Энгельгардт (Kazakhstan)
Василиса Богомолова (Cyprus)
Валентина Андрианова (Germany)
Варвара Абрамкина (Cyprus)
Вероника Коваленко (Kazakhstan)
Жасмин Коэтзи (South Africa)
Вероника Ким (Kazakhstan)
Зере Сарбалина (Kazakhstan)
Валерия Нам (Kazakhstan)
Амира Ирматова (Kazakhstan)
Junior Men:
Кенан Бердибаев (Kazakhstan)
Абай Садыков (Kazakhstan)
Никита Кривошеев (Kazakhstan)
Темирлан Якияев (Kazakhstan)
Яри Крестьянников (Finland)
Артур Смагулов (Kazakhstan)
Никита Козлов (Kazakhstan)
Ансар Исмухамбетов (Kazakhstan)
Senior Competitors (3rd October):
Senior Ladies:
Старр Эндрюс (USA)
Чжу И (China)
Элишка Бржезинова (Czech Republic)
Русалина Шакрова (Kazakhstan)
Кайя Райтер (Canada)
София Фарафонова (Kazakhstan)
Антонина Дубинина (Serbia)
Кристина Тимошенко (Kazakhstan)
Карина Исакова (Kazakhstan)
Анастасия Гожва (Ukraine)
Амина Алексеева (Kazakhstan)
Анастасия Губанова (Georgia)
Лара Наки Гутманн (Italy)
Ульяна Ширяева (Canada)
Мария Сенюк (Israel)
Виктория Ющенкова (Israel)
Анастасия Грачева (Moldova)
Софья Самоделкина (Kazakhstan)
Александра Фейгин (Bulgaria)
Senior Men:
Диас Жиренбаев (Kazakhstan)
Валттер Виртанен (Finland)
Ника Егадзе (Georgia)
Гоку Эндо (USA)
Владимир Литвинцев (Azerbaijan)
Даниэль Грассль (Italy)
Семён Данильянц (Armenia)
Рахат Бралин (Kazakhstan)
Алексa Ракич (Canada)
Даниил Мартынов (USA)
Михаил Шайдоров (Kazakhstan)
Зе Зенг Фанг (Malaysia)
Кирилл Марсак (Ukraine)
Генеральный спонсор:
Фонд поддержки туризма и спорта "Sportqory"